40% of Russians received comments from management that “they get sick too often.” Furthermore, women encountered this more often than men. This follows from a study by the Renaissance Insurance group, according to the results of which RB.RU has read.
70% of citizens experienced a deterioration in their health due to high workload. The most common problems are back pain due to a sedentary lifestyle, blurred vision due to prolonged computer use and headaches. One in nine people experienced emotional exhaustion and one tenth of respondents experienced overwork.
Employers are often not prepared for an employee to be completely absent from work during an illness. According to respondents, management expects a sick employee to be available and continue to perform at least some tasks from home.
Employees of large companies responded this way more frequently: 30% and 27%, respectively, while among small and medium-sized companies this practice is observed less frequently: 21% and 9%, respectively.
Respondents are also convinced that the state of health and the number of days of sick leave greatly influence the relationship between employee and employer. For example, 38% said they were denied a promotion due to health problems.
More than 1.5 thousand people over 18 years old living in large cities of Russia took part in the survey.
Karina Pardaeva
Source: RB
I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.