Today Telegram turned 11 years old. In honor of this, the messenger sent another update with new features.

This time, new effects concern light sources. Donations have been launched for them.

What exactly has changed? Let’s find out.

Star states

Users can now support content sources and creators directly by sending them to Telegram Stars (local currency) with the help of the new stellar State.

At the same time, holding the windows will receive 100% of the stars. They can exchange them for a reward in the Toncoin cryptocurrency or pay for their advertising with a quick discount.

Each post with star reactions displays a list of users who have sent the most stars for it.

How to turn on: in the menu Channel Settings > Reactions > Enable Paid Modes.

Subscriptions to stars

Authors can now create special links that allow users to subscribe to the channel for a monthly fee in Telegram Stars.

Now you can quickly create an exclusive channel for additional content, early access to it, or VIP broadcasts.

How to turn on: in the menu Settings > Channel Type > Manage Invites > Create Link and enable the option Monthly fee.

Publishing paid content by bots

Authors can already publish photos and videos themselves, access to which can be purchased. Today, paid publications are also available to bots.


When you post a message in a Telegram channel, instead of your name and photo, subscribers support the channel name and profile photo.

Now a group can make their channel more like a more like channel, where admins can post as themselves — or even as their other channels. Channel admins can choose the profile they want to post as at any time by clicking on the profile photo in the input bar.

How to enable: in the menu Channel Settings > Administrators and turn on “Sign posts” and “Show author profiles”.

Updated iOS Documents Overview

Now documents in .pdf, .xls or .docx formats open in a separate tab of the Telegram browser.

The update is already available on iOS and Android. However, there is no update in the Play Market for Android yet, and it must be downloaded manually from the official website.

Source: Iphones RU

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I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.


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