According to the service’s experts, Russians are increasingly outsourcing childcare and supervision to specialists. In the last summer month, interest in babysitting services increased by 43% compared to December 2023. But in June, the increase was 17%.

Demand for nannies has increased significantly in Russia – Avito Services
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“In summer, the issue of finding a nanny, as a rule, is not urgent: children are under the supervision of the older generation at their dachas, spend time at summer camps in the city and in the countryside, or with parents who try to take time off during school holidays. According to the results of a survey by Avito Services, only a fifth of Russians (21%) planned to use the services of nanny in the summer months,” the experts say.

In September, children will go to school, so you will have to pick them up after school, help them with their homework, help them get to extra classes and classes. That is why in Russia they are starting to look for artists who can help with these tasks.

Demand for nannies in Russia grew most in Yaroslavl, Voronezh and Yekaterinburg (+46%). By the way, there are also more advertisements for such specialists – by 7% compared to June of this year.

Experts also note that the demand for nannies is growing not only in late summer. This is due to the increasing employment of the population. When choosing a nanny for their child, parents in 68% of cases pay attention to the experience of the specialist, 62% of respondents point out the need for the professionalism of the interpreter. About half of them rely on personal impressions and reviews from previous employers. At the same time, it is too early to talk about a shortage of nannies. The number of specialists has also increased.

It was previously reported that job seekers are flooding recruiters with AI-generated resumes. More and more people are using tools like ChatGPT to write a cover letter or improve a profile.


Nikolai Tikhonov

Source: RB

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