Quadcopters have firmly entered our lives. These are also small devices, the main function of which is to master the first skills of controlling an aircraft. These are more advanced models that are suitable for both simple entertainment and amateur video shooting from a bird’s eye view. These are also sports models designed to perform tricks in the air. These are shooting quadcopters, on which a “cool” camera with the ability to take professional-quality photos and videos is installed.

But no matter what class quadcopters belong to or what size they are, they have the same principles of design and flight.

A quadcopter is a power frame (platform, frame) made of a lightweight yet durable material with four motors mounted on “legs” splayed out to the sides. No matter the size of the quadrocopter (drone), no matter what “bells and whistles” it has, the general principle of design and operation is the same for all.

Decorative drone bodies come in different shapes and colors – this is the main detail of a quadrocopter, which designers are working on, trying to make the developed drone model unique and “hook” a potential buyer with its style, beauty and recognition.

The quadcopter flies due to four motors with propellers (propellers, blades) located in the corners of the virtual square, which are removed from the body and located in the corners, creating lift. The flight principle is very similar to the helicopter scheme. Only if to obtain the lateral force vector in helicopters the principle of tilting the axis of the blades is used, then in the drone this is achieved by changing the force of the air flows on the sides when the motors work in pairs. The quadcopter hovers when all four motors are running at the same maximum RPM. It goes down when all four motors are running at the same RPM, but lower than going up. As a result, the lift force decreases and the quadcopter slows down smoothly. The drone tilts when the revolutions of the left and right motor pairs are different. If you decrease the speed of the left pair of motors, the aircraft will bank to the left. If the speed of the right pair is less than that of the left, the quadcopter will lean to the right. Speed ​​control when driving in a straight line is carried out by changing the rotational speed of the front and rear pairs of motors. To make the quadcopter rotate around its axis, it is enough to reduce the speed of one of the four motors.

The overall design of the quadcopter is simple. Electric motors are located on remote legs attached to the power frame. A decorative box is mounted on the frame, inside of which there is a battery, an electronic board, a unit for working with remote control signals, a voltage converter and a sensor unit (gyroscope, accelerometer, etc.). On quadrocopters, an integrated or remote camera can be installed.

To control the quadcopter, you can either use the remote control (which communicates with the drone via a radio channel) that comes with the device or a smartphone with a special program or application installed (the connection with the drone is via of WiFi, which limits the range of the drone control within the hundred meters in the line of sight).

Today you can buy a drone of any size, purpose and cost. From small penny toys designed to fly around the apartment to expensive models with a huge payload. The main thing when choosing is to correctly determine the range of tasks that the quadrocopter should perform. Successful flights!

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Source: IXBT

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