The Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro launched this Wednesday (28) the second phase of Operation Mãos Leves. THE The mission is trying to find those responsible for tampering with the stuffed animal machinesHe creates what is known as the “Weak Claw Scam.”
The representatives are asleep 19 search and seizure warrants for suspicious addressesOne of the authorities’ destinations is the headquarters of Black Entertainment. Dozens of pirated machines and toys found.
Operation Mãos Leves began in May of this year. According to G1, a large number of machines and toys were seized during that period.
In addition to the capital Rio de Janeiro, arrest warrants are also being sent to Santa Catarina. This Wednesday (28), mobile phones, computers, notebooks, tablets and documents were seized, as well as doped machines and stuffed animals.
Delegate Pedro Brasil, G1 heard, reported that the game counter was implemented on all devices in Black Entertainment. The devices were directed to shopping centers such as Via Parque and West.
How does the “Weak Claw Scam” work?
Essentially, the “Weak Claw Scam” turns one of the most common theories about prize machines into reality: the device is equipped with a movement counter It reduces the power of the winch by interfering with the electric current of the claw that catches the stuffed animals.
This way, the device only releases the energy needed to catch an animal. after a certain number of movesHowever, the machine never makes this clear and the player tends to lose money on most attempts.
According to police, one of the suspects The crime of gambling on slot machines is also being investigated.
Suspects may be charged with a variety of crimes, including crimes against the public economy, against consumers, against intangible property and against criminal organization.
Source: Tec Mundo
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