From September 1, 2024, a ban on the use of mobile phones will be introduced in Russian schools.

The law was passed at the end of 2023, but there are still many unanswered questions.

Now we will figure out in what cases the ban is applied, who will monitor the implementation of the law and what conditions are provided for its violation.


  • What exactly is prohibited?
    Where will the phones be stored?
    What will happen for violating the law?
    Will there be real changes?
    Which other countries have banned phones in schools?
    Teachers are happy about the ban, students are against it

What exactly is prohibited?

The prohibitive wording in the law reads as follows:

“Do not use mobile radiotelephone communications during educational sessions in the programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, except in cases where there is a threat to the life and health of students, suppliers of organizations carrying out educational activities, and emergency situations.”

The term “mobile radiotelephone communication facilities” mobile phones, tablets and smart watchesif they use a SIM card and can duplicate the functions of a phone, such as receiving calls.

The law prohibits the use of smartphones only in lessons. They can still be carried around school, used during breaks and in the cafeteria.

Only emergency situations and cases where there is a threat to life or health are excluded.

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Where will the phones be stored?

The law does not specify where phones should be kept during lessons.

According to one of the authors of the initiative, head of the State Duma Committee on Education Olga Kazakova, “the implementation of the bill in each system will be independently controlled.”

This means that school administration can decide for itself how exactly the law will be enforced. Some schools have telephone boxes.where children give them on their own.

“We have boxes for phones in each class, the children give them before the lesson. But not in a commanding format – we use an explanation of what benefit there is in this. The children are all adequate and accept the request without problems, so we do not have to deal with sanctions for violating the ban.”

Olga Perchenko, class teacher from Rostov-on-Don

In the Moscow region gymnasium named after E. M. Primakov, schoolchildren must provide telephones in individual boxes that are locked with a key. At the same time, it was forbidden to use the telephone even during recess.

“If you need to call your parents urgently, we have a landline. And in an emergency, the class teacher can do it.”

Maya Maisuradze, director of the E. M. Primakov Gymnasium

No Many schools do not have designated storage areas for smartphones.Therefore, students should carry them in their pocket or briefcase.

This may be the best option because it is unclear who will be held responsible if the phone is lost from the box.

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What will happen for violating the law?

Formally, nothing. The law does not say anything about the consequences of using a phone in class.

It is interesting that during the first reading of the bill, many deputies were interested in who and how would monitor compliance with the ban, as well as what sanctions would be for violating it. But these details were not spelled out in the law.

Probably, if the student has a phone, the teacher will do great and ask to remove it. If the violations are systematic, then perhaps the teacher will involve the school administration or call the parents.

But all this was also according to the law. Only now the teacher can refer to the official ban.

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Will there be real changes?

Many schools and laws prohibit the use of phones and even think of mechanisms that students must give. Therefore, in these schools from September 1, nothing will change.

Some schools may have lockers and drawers for phones, but there will be many that do not have any of this, and students will simply be prohibited from taking out their phones, citing the new law.

Of course, in case of violations, students will use smartphones in class. And the new law will not stop everyone.

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Which other countries have banned phones in schools?

A similar ban is in place in many countries in Europe and Asia, including the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Israel, Australia, Greece, Ghana, Uganda, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan.

For example, France banned phones in schools back in September 2018, and this applies to the entire territory, including sports fields and toilets. As in Russia, schools decide for themselves how to enforce the ban.

French schools themselves began banning phones in 2010. If a teacher notices a student with a smartphone during class, they can take it away for the rest of the day or go to the principal, where the student will have to pick it up.

In the US, phones are not banned in schools, although Florida and Indiana have statewide bans. Moreover, New York City schools had a ban, but it was replaced in 2015One of the reasons for this was that parents wanted to be able to contact their child at any time.

China banned phones in schools in 2021. Children can only carry phones to school with their parents’ written consent, but they still cannot use them.

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Teachers are happy about the ban, students are against it

The ban was adopted in connection with a quick appeal to teachers and parents to improve discipline. State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin noted that the brilliant measure will increase the authority of the teacher and promote lively communication in the classroom.

The problem with phones in class is also relevant in other countries: children are often distracted, do not listen to the teacher and find answers on the Internet.

“Many parents believe that mobile phones are only harmful to children: they damage their eyesight and interfere with lessons. Even during breaks, students sit on their gadgets instead of communicating with their classmates. In addition, phones interfere with learning. The ability to quickly search for information on the Internet devalues ​​it for schoolchildren: children do not understand why they should be taught something if they can Google it. There have also been complaints from teachers that students film them on their phones and bully them.”

Yana Lantratova, First Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Education

Naturally, the students are the most dissatisfied with the bans. But in this situation, they can do nothing.

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Source: Iphones RU

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I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.


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