The Moscow Exchange has no intention of acting as an issuer of digital financial assets (DFA) or trading in cryptocurrencies, RIA Novosti writes, citing Nikolai Trunichkin, head of digital projects and products at the company.

The Moscow Stock Exchange announced that it does not plan to start trading cryptocurrencies
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According to a representative of the platform, the company is building the infrastructure of a new marketplace for issuers and investors, so they do not see the platform in other roles at this stage.

  • Last summer, the Bank of Russia included the Moscow Exchange as the first in the DFA register of exchange operators. In March 2024, the SPB Exchange was added there.
  • Participants in this registry can, when making transactions with digital financial assets, interact with various operators of information systems in which digital rights are issued. This mechanism “increases the investment attractiveness and liquidity of the financial product,” the regulator noted.

Digital financial assets are common investment instruments based on two technologies: blockchain and smart contracts. SHARD Research Director Grigory Osipov explained to RB.RU what DFAs are, what they are used for, and what prospects they have in the Russian Federation.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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