Putin has commented for the first time on the detention of Pavel Durov in France. The head of state said that the actions of the authorities in this country are “not very clear” because they are selective in nature. He spoke about this during a plenary session at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).

Putin commented for the first time on Durov’s arrest in France
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For the first time since August 24, Vladimir Putin spoke about the events at the French airport and the subsequent actions of the French authorities. He also stated that the Russian authorities had no complaints against Pavel Durov.

“We have not had any complaints about him. I know that there have been complaints from many countries, considering that the platform is used in a certain way by some people, structures that can cause damage to the economy or security of certain states through their activities. I think that the Russian government might also have some questions for him. But all platforms of this kind are guilty of this. If they do this to Durov, then they should probably also imprison others, arrest them, put them under house arrest or other arrest related to restrictions of freedom.” Putin is quoted “Vedomosti”.

RIA Novosti clarifies that Putin has met with Telegram founder Pavel Durov only once – in Moscow, many years ago. There was no meeting in Baku, as foreign media reported. The Russian president said that he was not even aware of Durov’s arrival there. The head of state also said that he generally assumes that the founder of Telegram lives in Moscow.

The case in which Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested contains charges of 12 crimes against an “unnamed person.” These charges include: refusal to cooperate with authorities, complicity in the possession and distribution of pornographic images of minors.


Nikolai Tikhonov

Source: RB

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