We live in special times, and the loneliness crisis seems to be forcing tech companies to develop products that would have been unthinkable decades ago. The latest “furry” invention comes from classic manufacturer Casio, which has just released a sort of robotic hamster called Moflin.

Moflin is designed to be held and cuddled, and over time it Casio It says it will recognize who you are and try to develop a simulated connection expressed through unique sounds and movements.

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Originally developed in collaboration with Japanese startup Vanguard Industries, Moflin is now manufactured and distributed by Casio. It can be pre-ordered for 59,400 yen (about $398) and is expected to go on sale starting November 7th. Casio also offers an optional subscription service called Club Moflin for 6,600 yen (about $44) per year, which gives you discounts on repairs, cleaning, and even complete leather replacements.

Moughlin is expected to learn to recognize the person who interacts with him the most by his voice and the way he handles the robot, and will respond with unique sounds and movements that are expressed to that person only to simulate a close connection.

The robot is also designed to develop its own simulated feelings and personality, which can change over time. With regular communication, he will become happy, confident and calm. If you ignore this, you may feel stressed, anxious, and sad.

These emotions will not be visible on the face of the “robot hamster”, but they can be tracked in the application on the phone.

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Instead of plugging in a USB cable, it comes with a small bed for the robot to sleep on while it charges. Casio estimates that the battery life on a full charge will be around five hours, and with three and a half hours of sleep, it will once again become your emotional support bot.

こころであういきもの【Moflin(モフリン)】Promotional Film | CASIO

Source: Digital Trends

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I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.


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