The T2 operator commented on the large-scale disruption in the Russian Internet segment. The problems are not due to the operation of the operator’s infrastructure, RB.RU was informed in the press service.
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“The temporary problems with the technical service are not related to the operation of the T2 infrastructure; Our networks work normally. Now the data transfer service is fully available again to customers,” T2 said.
On January 14, a failure was recorded in the Russian Internet network. According to, subscribers of MTS, Beeline, Rostelecom, T2 and other operators complained about problems.
Beeline’s press service told RBC that its network is operating normally and that “possible problems arise for reasons beyond the operator’s control.” Rostelecom gave a similar response to RB.RU, stating that the problems were “not in their network.”
Roskomnadzor told the Mash Telegram channel that they did not know the reasons for the ruling, but confirmed that it was “fixed with all operators.” The causes are currently being determined, RKN said.
A Vedomosti source at one of the operators told the newspaper that the failure was due to problems with the technical means of countering threats (TSPU) of Roskmonadzor and the Main Radio Frequency Center subordinate to it.
Problems arose “for everyone who worked through Russian operators with TSPU,” said Nikita Tsaplin, CEO of hosting provider Ruvds, in a conversation with Vedomosti. He explained the availability of messengers because the TSPU failure did not affect the protocols on which the messengers work.
Bogdan Muzychenko
Source: RB

I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.