The growth rate in sales in the markets is reduced, and the number of singers is growing, working conditions harden. The correct choice of goods is becoming a decisive factor in success. RB.RU discovered analysts that niches can promise to quote in the markets in 2025.

Lingerie and smartphones: what can be obtained in markets in 2025
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According to the market expert of the analytical company Seller24 Artem MoiseevaIn 2025, newcomers must choose niches with a low entry threshold, such as sales agricultural products either Animal products.

According to Moiseev, among agricultural products, cheeses, fresh meat, milk, honey and organic sweets are popular among markets.

“In 2024, there was a significant increase in the demand for farmers’ sweets: sales doubled compared to the previous year. These products are on demand thanks to the tendency of a healthy diet and support for local manufacturers, ”said the expert.

According to Seller24, niche billing Zotovarov In online stores, it increased by 35%, and the number of purchases was 63% per year, the indicators continue to grow.

“The promising segments in this niche are toys and cleaning products, such as claws and haircuts. These goods have a high ransom percentage (more than 80%) and a relatively low entry threshold, which makes them suitable for small businesses. In addition, customers are ready to pay excessively for exclusive sets or products, ”Moiseev added.

MoneyPlace analyst (part of the “contour” ecosystem) Romanova Anastasia I identified the category of smartphones as promising for singers. During the year, it grew by 70%. Per month in an online site, the sale of devices can reach 12 billion rubles.

How and what markets is it better to enter, not to burn, but win? Choose adequate training in the market market.

“This is due to a small variety of offline stores, the affordability of the prices of Russian and Chinese models in the markets,” added the expert.

Romanova points to the singers to the niche Portable instruments for home and kitchen – These are mobile vacuum clezers, airagrilos, wafflers. The purchases of these devices have grown 1.5 times in 2024 and continue to increase thanks to the purchases of Russian sellers of technological innovations, the expert believes.

Another current niche is Repair tools. In 2024, its sales increased by 61%. The perspective of the niche in 2025 is associated with a wide range and affordable prices, as well as with the appearance of women between buyers of laser levels, screwdrivers and electric screwdrivers.

Romanova added that in separate markets, sales niches of vitamins and food additives, sportswear and house simulators, massagers (for muscle activation, cellulite) and healthy food products remain promising. Sales growth in some positions reaches 88%.

Another trend is an increase in interest in Beauty Products.

“The growth of beauty goods sales amounted to 35%, and its total turnover in Wildberries and Ozon exceeds 31 billion rubles for a month. In this category, the category of hair products grows faster: women create lounge care at home. Low prices are associated with the availability of contracts production for Russian singers, ”said the analyst.

Romanova also pointed out the growth of impulsive purchases Body care Due to the increase in the popularity of home spa treatments according to bloggers recommendations. The niche was also increasing female underwear. Its implementation in 2024 increased 2.24 times. The factors that have influenced the growth of the popularity of such purchases continue to be relevant in 2025. “The purchase process is convenient: you can try the products in the PVZ and choose only an adequate model without shameing their forms,” ​​concluded the expert .

The owner of the singing agency in the trade markets of Professor Dmitry Spitsyn The most relevant categories with monthly income of 500 thousand rubles and a significant participation of sales with 15 thousand units per month called He evaluated the niches for the level of lost income, this indicator indicates whether the proposal is in demand. In addition, the expert calculated the income coefficient for a product card. According to him, the categories in which this indicator exceeds 0.8 is distinguished as the most promising, since they provide significant income with a minimum number of basic products positions.

As a result, among the most promising addresses, Spitsyn was found Helical cylinders for balls (in the holiday category), accessories (equipment), Rosehip and cakes (food), Tececeflers (technique), Recovers (Purification of air, plumbing) and Surgical suits (Health health).

“These categories demonstrate high potential both in income and efficiency per unit of goods, which makes them especially attractive to suppliers,” the expert concluded.


Ekaterina Strukova

Source: RB

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