Biologist Francis Putz of the University of Florida has gathered confidence that ground squirrels, from the gopher family, are spin-offs and literally grow their own food. This is the first of the mammals, in addition to humans, engaged in the cultivation of their own food. Zemedele

Putz elaborates that there is no precise scientific interpretation of what cultivation is. For example, the basic postulate that it is necessary to plant a future plant breaks down into a simple example – people in many regions of the planet collect wild fruits. Or the same mushrooms and berries were not planted, but people begin to take care of the possibilities of their growth, to prevent infection of plants in order to be able to continue to use them.

Gopher rodents are laid in very long tunnels, they are found close to trees and krummy. They begin to create the conditions at which they exist inside the tunnels, so that later it is estimated that gophers receive up to 60% of the nutrients from the roots of plants, so they try not to destroy their infections, but the transformation a little bit, harvesting the “harvest” with extensive underground farms.

Ptz ruled out that gophers carefully monitor the condition of their tunnels. The same gophers for the destruction of harmful substances that could undermine resources – that is, o o o v s Farmer.

Source: Tech Cult

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