Before the start of the transfer of the country’s entire energy sector to hydrogen, the British government commissioned a study on the impact on the pace of global warming. The results of officials upset – they showed that over a 100-year period, 1 ton of air will environmentally warm up the atmosphere 11 times more than a ton of CO2. It turns out that the “green transition” is not so safe?

Hydrogen in this case is dangerous because the natural process of neutralization of methane in the atmosphere by hydroxyl radicals. He himself enters into observers with them, so methane is delayed and, like a greenhouse gas, aggravates the overheating of the Atmosphere. On the other hand, CO2 is inevitable, and an excess of observation (and as a consequence of methane) is in the short term.

The study showed that when switching to using the device, numerous nodes are inevitable. Thus, daily storage losses in a pressurized container range from 0.12% to 0.24%. In a liquefied and cooled state, they already reach up to 1% per day, and when pumped through streams, the losses will be 20% more than in the case of gas. The full cycle of the development of the electrolysis method, injection into the fuel cell and the conservation of energy in energy at best reduce the loss of 3.2%, and in an insignificant case, taking into account the human body – up to 10%.

The authors of the report came to the conclusion that if all safety rules are strictly followed, then the world energy sector will lose 1.5% of the entire exhausted hull. And if we allow its widespread use without proper control, by analogy with how ordinary consumers currently refuel cars at gas stations, then the losses reach a catastrophic 10%. However, in this case, the use is less harmful to the environment than emissions. CO2.

Source: Tech Cult

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