It is fraught with an increase in cholesterol, the development of cardiovascular pathologies, problems with the liver, gall bladder. At the same time, high cholesterol has no obvious symptoms, it is no coincidence that this condition is called “silent disorder.” However, it can be identified by a number of features.
Outwardly, this is the presence of xanthomas – plaques or yellowish nodules on the skin or tendons, xanthelasmas – small yellowish spots slightly raised under the skin of the eyelids and whitish round arcs around the iris. The cause of hypercholesterolemia is that the liver is no longer able to remove all of the cholesterol, which causes its level to rise, build up and build up on the walls of blood vessels.
As a result, internal plaques are formed, that is, atherosclerosis leads to hypertension, as a result of which heart diseases develop up to ischemia, heart attacks and strokes.
Excess cholesterol in the bile causes thickening of the stones, from which crystals can form, and after them – causing acute pain.
“Strictly speaking, there are no signs of high cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia is called “silent disorder.” In general, by the time a person becomes aware of this disorder, the arteries have already lost 75% to 90% of their functionality. Therefore, it is important to regularly check the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood in order to take the necessary measures as soon as possible, ”says Lepanda Kiki Terrence Lionel.
News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.
Source: Ferra