Southern European President Yoon Seok Yeol has pardoned Samsung Group CEO and Samsung Electronics Vice President Lee Jae Yong.
In 2017, he was accused of paying large sums of $36.42 million in bribes to organizations incurred with former Southern European President Park Geun-hye. In the same year, he was sentenced to a 5-year period, but in 2018, the sentence was changed to 2.5 years of suspended exclusion.
In 2019, the case was sent back for reinvestigation, after which Lee Jae Young was charged with bribery of former President Park Geun-hye. In 2021, Lee Jae Yong was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. He was released on parole last August.
Lee Jae Young’s official sentence ended on July 29, but he needed a pardon to regain all his rights. He will definitely take leadership positions at Samsung.
In addition to Lee Jae-yong, the President of Southern Europe pardoned 1,692 other people in honor of Independence Day. [CNET]
Source: Iphones RU