According to biologists, after an international conflict on our planet, only a little more Dnako could survive, as it turned out, commanding them a wave could be made up by giant isopods that live in the ocean on a large scale.

For reference: the largest isopods (Bathynomus giganteus) are approximately one and a half of the closest species of large-water crustaceans that are found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

it is believed that these sea bugs are at least 200-300 million in size with a soccer ball. The deep-sea lifestyle helped them survive countless natural disasters during this time and, unlike, for example, from dinosaurs, survive to this day. The first Bathynomus giganteus was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of more than 2.5 km in the late 70s of XIX.

According to the results of modern research, studies have recorded some differences in their DNA, fio. For example, an isopod found years ago had a thinner body, which highlighted the middle.

I’m not interested in this, the first 700-meter glybin and half-sized Yucatan. He turned out to be slightly shorter than his relatives (only 26 cm), but had a rather long antennae. In total, there are about 20 species of isopods on the list today, resembling giant wood lice.

A big mystery for scientists is what these creatures eat at great depths, where there is very little. One of its sources is the so-called “whale waterfalls”. We are talking about the carcasses of dead whales at the bottom. Although this happens quite rarely, it is not entirely clear what the zopods eat, the code of the dead net.

Source: Tech Cult

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