Researchers from the Swiss Institute of Water Technology have assembled a team of scientists from European countries and received funding from Horizon Europe to develop a promising aluminum energy storage project. The project is called “Reveal”, it is aimed at solving the key problem of green energy – how and where to store for the winter all the energy that windmills and solar panels produce in the summer? The attention of scientists today is focused on redox processes in metals.

According to the calculation, pure aluminum has a long-term energy consumption of 8.7 kWh per 1 kg, and 1 cu. m of aluminum can accumulate 23.5 MWh. This is 33 times more than in tesla electric car drivers, and 50 times more than in commercial lithium batteries. 1-1.5 years.

Initially, juinium needs to be charged, so that juinium hydroxide is converted into a pure 65% process efficiency by electrolysis, it requires a temperature of 800 ℃, special inert electrodes and industrial equipment, so it is carried out at special stations. But the reverse process of energy release can be observed in the same basement of the house, which is necessary for this study of water with a water temperature of no more than 100 ℃. The output is juinium hydroxide, hydrogen for fuel elements and the number of tongues t

There are also glass oxide technologies that require higher temperatures, as well as more research into other glass oxidation and reduction methods. The main thing is that after discharging the aluminum battery is ready to work again, so the same metal ball can be used almost endlessly. Pure aluminum can be stored even under the high sky, it is safe, and the oxide film layer on the surface is less than 1 nanometer, so the energy loss will be less than 1%.

The Reveal project refers to the case of discovery and 2026 results from it should not be expected. But if he’s eculated energy.

Source: Tech Cult

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