With age, the human body begins to burn less and less fat. Therefore, even for those who always eat right and do not forget about training, over time it will be more and more difficult to stay in shape.
In fact, human fat is found in the body. But there is subcutaneous fat and there is visceral fat. Both types of fat are found in the abdomen. At the same time, visceral fat is considered to be much more harmful to health than subcutaneous fat. In addition, Dr. According to Michael Jensen, men have twice as much fat as women (even if they are healthy and lean).
A number of scientific studies show that health problems can occur with excess visceral fat. For example, diabetes and insulin resistance.
Recently, it has also been known that the food a person eats can activate genes associated with weight gain in the waistline.
So why is it so hard to get rid of these fats? There is an assumption that visceral fat cells live longer than subcutaneous fat. Recently, scientists from the University of Sydney discovered that there may be a visceral fat cell protection signal triggered by repeated attempts to fast. In other words, some diets will only contribute to the preservation of this fat.
During experiments on mice, experts found that immune cells may be responsible for problems with visceral fat. As we age, they accumulate in visceral fat and send signals that cause inflammation. Because of this, human metabolism is disturbed.
What can be done about it? In fact, it is not easy to remove visceral fat with the help of diet and exercise. In this case, it’s best to focus on burning fat in general. Additionally, you should remember that anything that creates a negative energy balance should burn belly fat along with the rest of the fat.
However, there are scientists who believe it is a tactic to specifically affect visceral fat. Ketchum University experts believe that you should spread your fat intake over several small meals throughout the day.
Among the drugs is pioglitazone, which can indirectly affect visceral fat. However, it can only be taken by people with diabetes.
In general, it turns out that there is no magic way to get rid of belly fat. The only thing a person can do to burn such fat is to tighten the diet and add more exercise to the daily routine.
News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.
Source: Ferra