This Google Maps It is a satellite image and map service developed by Google. In this way, it is possible to look at the distance between certain places, find certain workplaces, check your relocation on a certain date, and access many other features.

A very repeated question from software users, which is considered the most used digital map in the world, is how to do it? delete history From Google Maps. If that’s your case, we’ve prepared a complete article on the topic.

Check it out below!

How to delete location history from Google Maps?

A feature not many people know about in Google Maps is that it usually records its users’ daily route, recording information such as the places you passed on a given date and the means of transportation used to move between them.

While it’s a great way to remember everything you’ve done in the last week or browse restaurants you’ve visited on vacation, many people may find this tool uncomfortable due to privacy concerns.

However, disabling it is very simple, just need to follow a few steps:

1. Access your timeline


On an Android or iOS smartphone, finger-press your profile picture and then select “Your timeline”. Click on the three dots located in the right corner of the screen and select “Settings and Privacy”.

2. Delete location history


If you want to delete all the saved information, click “Delete all location history” and confirm the action in the message below. If you prefer to only clear data for a specific day or week, select “Delete time from location history” and set the days the app will delete data.

3. Turn off location history


Another tool that can please users is to program Google Maps to never save your location. If this applies to you, click on “Location history on” and turn the function off.

How is the process done on the computer?


For those who access the software on a computer, it is possible to make the same changes by selecting the three bars in the upper left corner of the page. Then select “Your timeline” and click the gear icon at the bottom of the page.

Automatically, the same settings above will be available to users who need to follow the same step-by-step.

How to delete Google Maps search history?

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Google Maps saves the search history in the app for easy access to results when the user needs to search again. For example, terms such as “Restaurants”, “Bus stops”, “Pharmaceuticals” are recorded in addition to establishments that you access the page, such as stores and shopping malls.

To delete this information using the app, follow the instructions below:

1. Access your profile


Click on the profile picture of your Google account and then select “Settings”. Then scroll up the page and select “Google Maps History”.

2. Delete your data


A new page will open and you have to click “Delete” to perform the deletion process and choose whether to delete the history from the day, month or the moment you start using the application. When you make the selection, the software deletes the data.

3. Schedule automatic deletion


If you wish, you can also program the application to automatically delete your data at a certain frequency without having to perform the procedure at certain intervals.

Click “Auto delete” and select the “Auto delete events” field to enable the function. Choose how often the software will delete your data and press “Next” to save your preferences.

4. Configure the application not to save your information


Additionally, another possibility for Google Maps users is to configure the app so that it does not store any of your information on the platform. To do this, click “Controls” at the top of the page and select “Disable” in the “Web & App Activity” field. After that, no call data is saved in the history.

How is the process done on the computer?


If you are using Google Maps on a PC, you can do the same settings as above by clicking the three bars in the left corner of the page and then selecting “Events on Google Maps”. Then follow the same procedure as in the mobile version.

Is it safe to use Google Maps?

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Google Maps can be considered a safe platform to use, as location and search information is only tied to the account the user uses to log in.

In this way, data erasure tools are made available only so that people can have more autonomy as to whether they want it saved on the internet or not.

Currently, with technology becoming more and more involved in our daily lives, discussions about privacy and online security are increasingly being debated and generating divergent opinions from consumers and experts.

If you want to learn more about this and other topics, be sure to follow TecMundo’s articles!

Source: Tec Mundo

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