one of the innovations in What’s up? What’s coming for everyone in 2021 was the ability to send images and videos that are automatically destroyed once viewed. This has increased the possibilities in the privacy section while using the app. Therefore, it was very well received by users (some of them already knew about this feature from Snapchat). But unfortunately, there was a security vulnerability that was close to being resolved.
The problem was that there were no restrictions on taking a screenshot containing the content you wanted to see only once. Therefore, the function is no longer complete and an error occurred due to TRUE. well, new trial version From the messaging application we mentioned, the decision taken by the company owned by Meta to fix the problem we mentioned was determined.
This is how WhatsApp will fix the current error
Almost a year after the function was launched and the bug was detected, it seems like a way has been found to fix this and prevent a screenshot from being taken where the video or image in question can be seen. And this is none other than what already exists on other platforms like Google Pay: block action. In this way and as you can see in the image we left after this paragraph, when trying to run, a message is received stating that it is not possible to make the relevant capture.

The fact is that the solution is the most convenient and, above all, effective. We’ve verified that everything is working as it should. The surprising thing is that it took so long to find the key from WhatsApp. We say this because the same function selected as we said already exists and It doesn’t seem like anything particularly complicated. To add to an application. But the truth is, the solution is on the way, it’s about that.
Of course, there is something that distinguishes this application from others with a blocking function: sender not notified that someone is trying to take a screenshot of auto-destroyed content, so it’s not reported.
Currently only in trial version
Specifically, the functionality we’re talking about was added to the test version for Android, and the same thing is expected to happen soon with the one for the iOS operating system. In addition, it is not expected to take time to implement in the final and stable version of WhatsApp, as it is of particular importance. A few weeks -at most- of course this option is a reality for everyone (because Mark Zuckerberg has already mentioned that he’s working on it).
Source: Cincodias Elpais