From time to time, news that is not positive for users appears, especially for those who want to take advantage of free services. Well, one of them was known and it has something to do with it. YouTube. The truth is that something that doesn’t have to be paid for can be close to being paid.

It looks like YouTube owner Google is trying to version one of the free options available on the platform. Prize, offering everything possible to enjoy in the video streaming service we are talking about. So, for some, they have to go a step further and pay the monthly fee, which currently amounts to 11.90 Euros.

What can stop being free on YouTube?

Well, according to known data from Reddit, the company is considering passing this test (and possibly testing with limited users in some regions). contents quality 4K exclusive to those who have Payment Account. So, in case you don’t have it, you can get the most out of Full HD instead of the 2160p that so many creators are currently recording. Bad news, no doubt.

This may not seem like a big deal, especially when you consider phones or tablets, but things change when it comes to TVs. These currently usually offer a 4K quality display. So if you want to watch a video smart television the only viable option you have in the living room is if the device itself performs the scaling automatically… But the truth is this is not the same thing because of the precision achieved.

4K resolution on YouTube step by step


It should be noted that for now, the company has not made any statement on this issue. But if the information is correct and the image we left was taken from within the YouTube app, things look bad for enjoying free 4K content on YouTube.

More wood for premium option

What we said would be one more step in the proposal custom options on YouTube paid accounts. This obviously makes sense, but the resolution shouldn’t be a constrained thing as creators who offer the highest quality will therefore see the effect you reduce.

The truth is, if everything is confirmed, YouTube Premium will add one more option to make it attractive. enjoy the news on the platform first or turn on background playback that lets you take better advantage of mobile devices (ideal for tablet music, for example).

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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