According to the portal user, in any case Venice will be completely flooded after a while. And this is due to two factors.

  1. Climate change. Therefore, the ice in the Arctic is melting and the water level in the oceans is rising. The same goes for the Adriatic. To deal with this and avoid flooding, the Venetian government developed the MOSE project. It lies in the fact that the entrance to the Venetian Lagoon is blocked by an arc from the sea gates. And if the water level rises, these gates also rise so that excess water does not enter the lagoon.
  1. earth sitting. For this reason, there are almost no buildings more than three floors in the city. In the last 130 years the water level has also increased by 40 cm and nothing can be done about this shrinkage.

Scientists believe that at the end of the 21st century it will no longer be possible to live in Venice. That is, it is very strongly submerged under water.

Source: Ferra

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