Since the end of October, at least three aircraft pilots said they have seen lights from unidentified flying objects in the sky over Porto Alegre (RS). Now, the commanders four planes made a new sighting in the city, last Tuesday night (8). It was the fifth day in a row that the reports were recorded.

Although the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) reported that there were no anomalies or unknown objects passing through their radar during the reporting period, numerous videos of the pilots began to circulate on the Internet.

“It had disappeared and now it has reappeared, I can tell you, like the lighthouse of an airplane making 360º”. “There is no traffic pattern (…) random movement,” the pilot of the Airbus A320 (from Azul company) says, reporting the ‘meeting’ on 22 October.

Until now, the possibility of objects being drones or meteor showers has been ruled out.

more reports

Ever since the videos began to circulate online, people in the southern region began recording alleged UFO sightings; payment:

It is worth noting that the accuracy of the videos recorded by civilians is unknown. If you’re interested in ufology, it’s worth checking out the TecMundo podcast on the subject!

Source: Tec Mundo

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