Telegram should once again try to enter the world of cryptocurrencies. Messenger’s CEO, Pavel Durov, on Wednesday (30), plans to launch crypto wallets and decentralized exchange🇧🇷

In less than a month, via the blockchain-based auction platform Fragment, Telegram sold $50 million on behalf of users🇧🇷 The service is built with Telegram Open Network (TON), a blockchain that was abandoned by Durov in 2020 due to regulatory issues.

It was precisely sales that made the CEO of Messenger decide to return to the industry. PAvel Durov stated that the company will establish decentralized exchange and non-custodial wallets, aiming to reach millions of users.

This was the first confirmation of Telegram’s participation in the TON blockchain. Earlier, Durov said that the project is community and the messenger provides help. The head of the app even spoke on his channel about the “over-centralization” of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange that went bankrupt in November.

Network backers announced a little over a week ago, a $126 million bailout fund to support crypto projects It disappeared with the collapse of FTX. Interestingly, Telegram is already a messaging app used by cryptocurrency traders. Well, The app’s CEO is already launching the new venture with a captive audience.

Source: Tec Mundo

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