Football fans on Twitter were in for a surprise last night (12). Wave of attacks against football players🇧🇷 One of the victims is Brazilian national team striker Richarlison and three Flamengo players.

The website of the Tottenham player defending Brazil in Qatar was hacked. The portal was defaced with the message “Until 2026. We love you Richarlison” in addition to a picture of current president Jair Bolsonaro. The page also has a link to two Twitter profiles.

It is worth noting that the attack was detected on Monday night (12). At the time of this publication, changes are still being made to Richarlison’s website.

“Hat-Trick” of invasions in Flamengo

In addition to Richarlison’s website, another hacker Occupied three profiles of Flamengo players from Twitter. Again, the Brazilian national team athlete Everton Ribeiro, former player Diego Ribas and winger Rodinei’s accounts on the social network were changed, stating that they were recruited by Vasco.


Also, the hacker made some posts mocking players and even responded to followers using profiles. The attack was considered the work of “zestyx64”, who called himself the new “manager” of the athletes during the hacking attack.

The fact that the hacker’s posts on the profiles have been deleted shows that the control of the accounts has been regained by their owners.

Source: Tec Mundo

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