Researchers at the University of Kent have developed a protein-based impact-resistant material that is superior to those used in modern body armor. Back in 2016, they discovered an amazing property of talin protein molecules, which, under the influence of changes in its structure, contracts and absorbs the energy of the environment. This allows her to survive and survive a sharp blow.

The Chenys placed talin molecules in a hydrogel, then tried polymerization of the substance and polylith, to the latter. During the tests, he controlled the rise, flying at speeds up to 1.5 km / s, without steering. This is significantly faster than the projectiles of firearms (0.4-1 km / s), and five times the speed. Even most bodies in space fly at low speeds, on the order of 1 km/s.

What is even more interesting, it mortises itself when it collides with a projectile, while on nnn, Therefore, it can be used not only to stop a flying object, but also to catch it. This is very useful, for example, for nasmic debris in the first missions or for intercepting the revolutionary TSAM easily resists both heavy damage from micrometers long and large aluminum shrapnel.

Currently, the authors of the development are studying the possibility of using TAM in armored vehicles and military transport equipment. P armor.

Source: Tech Cult

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