Scientists from several universities in Scotland are independently detecting signs of brain and cognitive decline in the smartest creatures on the planet, dolphins. The phenomenon was called the “sick leader syndrome” and is assessed as unexpected, since in the future there may be a population of not only dolphins, but also whales, killer whales, and sperm whales. It all started with the latter, but scientists still have too little data for any conclusions.

A few years ago, Italian fishermen were surprised to see the shallow waters of seven sperm whales. The leader was extremely noticeable, the analysis of his tissues established that the sea stubbornly followed a strange route for a long time, starving and suffering. As a result, he threw himself ashore, and with him a part of the group died and remained, which, until the last investigator, lost its lost mind as a whale and ended up in the west, out of shallow water. Then the strange behavior of the sperm whale was written on the effect of a viral infection.

Later, during the change of steel of various caliber emissions on the shores of Scotland, dolphins were found to be nnnnn. This is a complete clinical picture in patients with salivary alcissus juyer, which has a characteristic character

Alas, to study brain disorders in living individuals, it is extremely difficult to draw conclusions from the remains. Scientists cannot say that there are no pathologies in the brain of marine animals. Perhaps smart dolphins discover their own diagnosis and choose to commit suicide – but why then do they lead the rest of the groups to certain death? Deviations in the brain are fatal and turn the smartest creatures on the planet crazy? While scientists do not have answers to these questions questions.

Source: Tech Cult

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