The development of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to create images and videos of events that never existed has raised concerns among technologists and professionals. Those concerns are unlikely to subside as Kyle Vorbach explains how. used artificial intelligence to create a fake moon in his life.

Vorbach is a creator, mostly videos. His name is gaining some visibility online after posting something like a mini-documentary detailing the dedication and time he spent using an artificial intelligence tool called Stable Diffusion to create a series of fake images that tell a fictional story of his life on social media. media. social.

The creator posted pictures of his fake life on Instagram, where we can see him moving into an expensive apartment and even accidentally meeting the famous Ryan Gosling on the streets of Los Angeles. The whole computer was created.

The inspiration for this fake moon – maybe what we could call an experiment – ​​started when he was trying to edit a new image for his Vorbach profile, he says.

After using artificial intelligence to create what he called “the best photo he’s ever taken,” Vorbach began to wonder about the tool’s capabilities and started creating other fake images.

“I created my own Halloween costume. I used the AI ​​to create a fake trip to New York where I met an AI-created friend.” – Counts Vorbach.

But the fake photos did not arouse much interest. That’s when the creator decided to use his new techniques to create a more “interesting” life from his point of view. And so came the experiment that Vorbach tells us about in his video.

Now we can just wait and see how many people will do the same, but without ever revealing that the images are fake.

Source: Tec Mundo

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