If there is a messaging app that competes with WhatsApp face-to-face, this is it. Telegram. Its multitude of options makes it seamlessly beat across the various departments, and the company has launched a launch to bid farewell to 2022. upgrade contains quite a number of fascinating new possibilities. We show you.
The truth is, it’s a little surprising that Telegram waited until these dates to launch such an important app development. the number of added functions are the most and useful in most cases. So it seems pretty clear that this development should continue to make things very complicated for the continued growth it has experienced recently and as a result the Meta app, which has been a bit stagnant for a while.
News coming to Telegram app
The update is available for both versions. Android as for the app itself iOS. Therefore, we are talking about options that reach almost all platform users (for computer clients, things are similar, but not quite the same). This is the most striking thing you will find in the new version of Telegram:
- Animations in progress: New options have been included in this section with the Telegram iteration, so chats are visually richer in everything related to animations that mean something is progressing (like uploading an image).
- Better storage management: It’s all about discovering which files are taking up the most space on the device in a new section of the app. That way, you can have much better control of everything that is always positive.
- More animated emojis: This is something that happens regularly in this app’s updates. The truth is, there are more possibilities even between interactive options.
- New drawing tools: To edit pictures or videos, Telegram has expanded editing options with the update. Now you will be able to use transitions or better text.
- Private multimedia posts: It’s a good idea because the recipient won’t see the content until they click on the post they received, so you can keep everything private if you wish. This is called in the Send as spoiler app.
- More options in profile photos: Added the possibility to create your own public profile so that the real one can be easily discovered by those you have. You can also change them to the one that suits you best, so you can better distinguish everything visually.
There are some other improvements that are less important – but still useful in the new version of Telegram, such as themes for groups, which can now be any size you want. The truth is that the update is important and therefore this app keep the pulse with whatsapp.
Source: Cincodias Elpais