The Habr Career platform has written a rating of the best IT companies in Russia.

Platform employees rate IT companies on capabilities, technology, salary increases, increased labor costs, career opportunities and other working conditions.

Among the fixed assets for work in 2022 was Lanit Group. In second place, a developer of a cloud system for automating business processes “Tensor” is being developed, and in the first stage – VKontakte and Alfa-Bank.

The only telecommunications company in the ranking was MTS, which took the eighth part. Employees gave the best value to the comfort of working conditions, modern technologies used in the ecosystem, as well as the social contribution of the operator.

MTS in the top ten employers is the merit of the well-coordinated work of our team. We do a lot to make it interesting, convenient and pleasant to work. MTS is an interesting place for building careers for IT professionals, foreign telecom operators and a dynamic vibrant ecosystem full of tasks and opportunities.

I’m sure this is just the beginning! We have many plans to make the work of our employees even better and more interesting.

— First Vice President for MTS Technologies Pavel Voronin

The evaluation service was launched on Habr Career in 2018. Employees who post reviews about the employer are invited to work.

Source: Iphones RU

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