There are seven fruits (scientific research has shown) that will help you strengthen your body. It would be useful to add it to the weekly menu.

  1. Apples. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. In this way, your digestion will improve and there will be no problems with constipation. In addition, nutritionist Lon Ben-Asscher emphasized that apples have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  2. Avocado. It contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, namely vitamins E and K, as well as vitamin C, B vitamins, omega-3, monounsaturated fats. Therefore, thanks to avocado, you will improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, heart health, eyes, immunity.

  3. Banana. They are rich in dietary fiber, which saturates well. It also normalizes blood sugar levels and supports heart health.

  1. Blackberry. It will help reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, cancer, improve brain function.

  2. Blueberries. It contains anthocyanin, which acts as an antioxidant. In addition, a glass of blueberries contains 24% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. Medical News Today writes that these berries protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, bone problems, mental health, and stress.

  3. oranges. There is vitamin C, but not only. Oranges also contain vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, calcium and potassium.

  4. dried plum. It is recommended for those who have digestive problems.

News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.

Source: Ferra

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