High technology without proper control can lead to both curiosities and problems, as hundreds of views of the Mutekimaru Channel YouTube channel have seen live. This Japanese blogger assembled a simple device from video cameras and grids with symbols, in connection with which egori ak floated. Stem based on a game controller that interprets the movement of fish as water commands, which allows the process to be strange, but the audience liked it.

The downside of the idea is that, due to the chaotic behavior of their fish, they need a lot of operations – for example, they turn 3195 hours to complete the game “Pokemon Sapphire” against an average of 30 hours for people. Therefore, the blogger usually starts the broadcast and left on his own business. So it was in this r, but the thief’s game hung and the system switched to the main menu, but the controller pr.

Viewers saw the fish “activate” the Nintendo eShop service, go through authorization, and then followed by a request to top up the Switch account with the blogger’s preferred credit card. When the request was successful, the fish bought the owner a new avatar, then downloaded the N64 emulator and, in addition, renamed his account to “ROWAWAWAWA¥”. But even this was not enough for them – the fish wrote an email on behalf of the owner to PayPal to confirm the tranizak.

In the sum of the silent “hackers” it was easy to see them, very transgressive. The video of their adventures was sent to the lucky Nintendo technical support and they returned the money spent to the boger, o o o o o o o o o o n

Source: Tech Cult

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