Radiometric dating, similar to radiocarbon dating, helps scientists determine the age of rocks. During the use of this method, experts study the ratio of radioactive isotopes in meteorites. The isotopes themselves decay at a certain rate, so by comparing their rates it is possible to determine the time elapsed since a meteorite’s formation or last warming.

Most meteorites on Earth are about 4.56 billion years old. This is because meteorites are formed from asteroids that were formed during the creation of the solar system.

Martian meteorites were also found to have an isotopic composition that matches Martian rocks. At the same time, some of these meteorites contained gases whose composition exactly corresponded to the composition of the atmosphere of the Red Planet.

But how did these pieces of Mars get to Earth? According to scientists, this could happen if an asteroid or comet hits Mars with enough force. Few such fragments can be launched into space and then collide with Earth.

Source: Ferra

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