Yandex.Taxi did not provide information for the antitrust investigation, so an administrative violation report was drawn up against the company. This was reported by the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition (APDC) of Kazakhstan.
AZRK is currently conducting an analysis of the commodity market for 2022 and notes that Yandex.Taxi “again evades compliance with the legal requirements of the authorized body and does not provide the necessary information”.
AZRK’s message explains that the agency analyzed the commodity market for the previous two years and found that Yandex.Taxi shows stable growth during this period; this allows the company to significantly control and influence the general conditions for the circulation of services on the market.
It was also found that the service commission starts at 17% and is the highest in the market, which generates “a general increase in the cost of taxi services and imposes an excessive burden on service drivers.”
The department added that the service interfered with the analysis, avoiding providing information about the service’s work.
After “numerous complaints from drivers and consumers,” an antitrust investigation was launched on the grounds that a high monopoly price had been set, AZRK said. Yandex.Taxi managed to challenge the order to start it in court, but the first instance agreed with the legality of AZRK’s actions.
The court ruled to cancel part of the audited period due to the lack of commodity market analysis by 2022. After that, AZRK began to study the market during the specified period.
RB.RU sent a request to the Yandex.Taxi press service.
Yandex.Taxi has been operating in Kazakhstan since 2016.
anastasia mariana
Source: RB

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