Will Cathcart, head of WhatsApp at Meta, talked about the new transitional law in the UK, which also covers countries such as England and Scotland. The manager said he preferred it. app “may be region locked instead of compromising the privacy of encrypted messages”

The new law is currently under scrutiny by parliament and, among other things, actively combating child pornography. The Online Security Letter text introduces possible measures to force messaging applications to scan and store the content of private messages.

Fighting child pornography

A end-to-end encryption has become one of the main focuses of WhatsApp to promote your service. Signal is also an option that offers multi-layered privacy settings and makes the content of private messages extremely difficult to access.

The problem is that these measures do not distinguish between the content of conversations. This creates a large margin for criminals to act freely as they are protected by the privacy terms of messaging apps.

Child pornography has increased dramatically in recent years, according to data from the British government and child and adolescent protection foundations. If passed, the law could require media companies to use certified technologies to track messages and actively identify illegal content.

The argument of Cathcart and the parliamentarians opposing the current text is this: sets a precedent for the application of more invasive tools information control.

Source: Tec Mundo

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