Telegram and Google actively campaigned against Bill 2630/2020, known as Fake News PL. This Thursday (11), The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) has asked the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to open an investigation into the company’s executives..

The request comes after Arthur Lira (PP-AL), speaker of the House of Representatives, triggered the PGR with a criminal report. He claims the companies took “coercive and abusive” action against the project’s approval.

Minister Alexandre de Moraes will review the request with no deadline for decision and the case will be kept confidential.. The minister himself determined that Telegram deleted a message sent to users against the project.

In early May, Google launched a campaign against Fake News PL on its search engine. The government forced big tech to mark the material as advertising.

The bill was approved by the Senate, but has been under discussion in the House for over three years. The request for urgency was accepted by 238 deputies against 192 votes. This allows the Instructions for Use to be approved at the plenary session without the need to go through committees.

The text obliges providers to be represented by a legal entity in the country and be held criminally liable for the dissemination of false content on bots. They should also be liable in the case of payment-related fake news.

Source: Tec Mundo

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