Yesterday, the head of the Russian Federation “Rosatom” Alexei Likhachev shared with journalists data on the situation regarding the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in the Russian Federation and that it is necessary to comply with the requirements to achieve nuclear reactors in 25% of all generated energy.

Today in Russia, about 20% of those consumed by nuclear power plants are not, according to the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Federation, by 2040 it is required to bring the shares to 25%, which has become a kind of challenge for Rosatom, since in the next ten years it is required to decommission a dozen units of the RBMK family .

As a result, by 2035, the corporation needs to build and implement 17 power units – two are now being brought to a high degree and readiness in the area of ​​the Kursk NPP, after which the city is here and now. NPP.

Leningrad NPPLeningrad NPP

In addition, Rosatom is implementing a number of specific projects that have not previously been created in the country – we are talking about a complete floating nuclear power plant, small-class land-based nuclear power plants in Yakutia, which are quite compact in size and have great market prospects.

Likhachev also mentioned the recovering BREST reactor, which was the first in the world to install a fourth-generation coi. On average, it will produce 300 MW – this is the most demanded capacity in the industry. BREST will be located in Seversk, Tomsk region, and its implementation is going on as an industrial energy complex.

Currently, Rosatom affects various types of thermal neutron reactors, as well as water-to-water installations using energy carriers or moderators, and there is no development of “green” installations with metal coolants (with lead or sodium), which can become waste-free substances. nuclear energy with a completely different economy.”

Proposed industrial “Green” complexes as an experiment by Rosatom in the territories of the Tomsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Later, in the latter case, we are talking about the city of Zarechny, which is the “capital of fast reactors B N-600 and BN-800”, which were located on the lower planet. objects.

Source: Tech Cult

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