As with any email service and provider, Gmail allows CC or BCC copies of your email from your computer or mobile phone. Most people are familiar with these features, but there are some things to keep in mind.

Both CC and BCC functions allow you to send a copy of your email from the primary recipient to someone else. CC stands for carbon copy, a reference to old-fashioned carbon paper. For example, you email an intern at the office and CC your boss so he or she gets to know about your email, too. This allows the intern to see that your boss has received a copy.

Other recipients in the CC list are also not hidden from each other. In Gmail on the web, you start a new email by pressing . to draw Click on the upper left corner. Then click on the window New message next to the field Open on CC.

One problem with using the CC rule is that sometimes it’s too easy to do. answer all clicks instead Answer. This will send your reply to everyone, then others will respond in the same way. This is how you create chain mail.

You will find a CC and a BCC button in every new post.


next to the button CC what do you think hidden. BCC stands for blind carbon copy. This prevents the primary recipient from seeing that you sent a copy to someone else. In the mobile version of Gmail, you will find the CC and BCC buttons in the window. to draw next to the field Open.

In the example above, the intern is unaware that your boss (second buyer) has received a BCC copy. When the trainee replies to your email, your boss won’t receive the response because the trainee’s email program cannot see email addresses in the BCC field.

The intern doesn’t know that the boss is in CC.

Hide recipient addresses

BCC can lead to insecurity. When your boss accidentally wakes up answer all clicks instead of buttons Answer, then the intern discovers that your message was also secretly reserved for your boss. That said, BCC is a very useful tool. This way you hide other recipients’ email addresses and avoid chain reactions.

No one in the BCC box can see that the message has been sent to others.

Source: Computer Totaal

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