Even if they have survived more than one drop or spill, your devices are not resistant to any conditions. High temperatures – such as those experienced in the northern and southern hemisphere summers these days – are factors that can shorten the life of your phone or laptop. However, if you know how to protect your devices from heat you will avoid risks.

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All manufacturers recommend avoiding exposing devices to extreme temperatures. You did not know? Yes, the information is available in most user manuals and many of us don’t take the time to study in detail. Most manufacturers, such as Apple and Samsung, recommend using their devices in an ambient temperature range of 0 to 35 degrees Celsius (32 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit). A higher or lower level may affect its performance.

How extreme heat can affect your equipment

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Extreme heat can affect the overall performance of your device, both during daily and long-term use. The first warning sign is that processes are running slower than usual, applications are not opening properly, or the computer is changing its behavior to regulate its temperature.

These conditions also overheat hard drives and batteries, shortening their lifespan. Apple warns that using its devices in extremely cold conditions may cause them to suddenly shut down, but high temperatures can permanently reduce battery life.

Either way, signs you should never miss are when your computer starts using the fan heavily or when your phone battery starts to get hot or swell. According to Intel, you should be aware of the following signs of overheating:

  • The system starts up, but turns off after a few minutes.
  • The processor operating frequency is lower than expected.
  • Evidence that the processor is speeding up.
  • General system slowness.
  • The fan noise is excessive.

How to protect your devices from extreme heat

A woman sweats in the heat while working at the computer.
Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Never leave your equipment in cars

Manufacturers generally recommend that you never store equipment in areas where the temperature is at least -20° or above 45° C (-4° to 113° F). For this reason, it is not recommended to leave your phone, tablet or computer in a car where temperatures can reach 47°C (116°F) in less than an hour, especially on hot days.

Don’t put your phone in your pocket

For the same reason, you should not keep your phone in your pockets. In addition to the ambient temperature, body heat can also interfere with the cooling process of the battery. It is best to keep it in the shade, away from external heat sources.

I prefer dark mode or airplane mode

One way to prevent your device from overheating is to use it in dark mode, both native mode and the settings offered by the apps themselves. This way you will reduce the power consumption of your equipment by preventing it from overheating. Another alternative is to use Airplane mode, which will also prevent certain processes from activating that affect your computer’s performance.

Do not expose them to sunlight

One of the main preventive measures is to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight. If you plan to work on your laptop outdoors, try to do it in the shade. And never charge your devices in the sun: this will make them hotter than during normal charging.

Worrying about the fans

Constant air flow prevents your computer’s fans from operating at maximum speed. When they do this, it means the processor is working hard and may overheat. In addition to keeping the fan slots clean, you can also improve air circulation by placing it high with a cooling pad or even a book or other support. Another option is laptop cooling fans.

Avoid overstraining them with intense processes.

Whether you’re reading us from your phone or your computer, chances are you have several apps open right now. It’s best to avoid this, especially with processor-intensive ones such as photo or video editors, games, or those that use GPS. Close any applications you are not using. Rest won’t hurt at all. It might even be useful to you.

Source: Digital Trends

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