WhatsApp seems to have found a way for those users who want to leave a group to do so silently. But, in turn, both the members and the administrators of the same know that they are gone. Application disclosed by the portal wabetainfo, will allow you to check which members were part of this group conversation before. This will be done through a new option that will appear on the information page included in the chat.

For now, the ability to see who was part of a group is available in beta versions of WhatsApp for iOS and Android, but it will most likely appear in the final version in the coming weeks. It is also complemented by a new grouping feature consisting of the ability to silently leave the chat. That is, without a notification appearing in the conversation. The ability to see who was part of a group before, in particular, is found on the WhatsApp group information page, right in the members section. There will be a new button called “View Previous Members”. By clicking, you can see a list with contacts that were previously in this chat, but left.

The above portal, yes, guarantees that the list will only include those contacts who left the group before 60 days. After this period of time, the user will not appear in the list. This option is also available to all people who are part of that WhatsApp group, not just admins. On the other hand, only administrators will be able to see who has left the group through a notification that will appear between conversations.

WhatsApp is also working on new features that may come soon.

Whatsapp is also working on new features beyond groups, and this, along with the ability to see who has left a group chat, may become available to all users in the coming weeks. One such new feature is the ability to edit messages that have already been sent. Thus, it will allow you to correct typos, spelling errors or reformulate the message so that, for example, it is not misunderstood. This is also complemented by the ability to delete already sent messages, an option that is currently available.

WhatsApp also operates in “private mode”, which allows to prevent other contacts from knowing that the user is currently online. The app, let’s remember, currently shows if the user is online, even if they haven’t added the person to their contact list.

Source: Hiper Textual

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