A sand sport that blends tennis and beach volleyball, played in pairs or singles, with racquets and adapted balls. This is Beach Tennis (BT)! Felipe Poffo, a high-performance athlete (24th in Brazil and 56th in the world) and IT teacher, explains the exponential growth of the sport:

“Beach tennis is fun and democratic. It’s an easy-to-learn sport, different from tennis, which is very difficult to play. People with low motor coordination in CT can already play at first contact with the modality. It also makes a lighter environment more enjoyable as it is usually practiced on the beach. It’s actually a sport the whole family plays.”

Poffo also points out that the sports environment allows for networking between people; this is one of the observed reasons that drives people to join the modality: professional connections.

The fact that it is an easy-to-play application in a pleasant environment is the features that ensure wide participation of the public. With IT, people feel more competent in sports than they have ever felt before, and this allows them to increase their level of physical activity.

What is the origin of Beach Tennis?

The sport was born in the Italian province of Ravennana in mid-1987. It is considered to be derived from tennis, but rules were defined for beach volleyball courts and only in 1996 for the sport.

The Brazilian Tennis Confederation, the organization that governs sport in Brazil, estimates that there are approximately 1.1 million tennis players in the country today (2023).

What does research say about sports?

As a new sports modality, it is expected that we will not have much scientific work yet. Very few studies were found when searching the databases. But let’s move on to what we have so far in literature!

Brazilian researchers investigated the effect of IT training on blood pressure in recreational practitioners. Forty-five minutes of CT produced significant reductions in blood pressure compared to a day without any exercise. With high practitioner satisfaction (over 90%) and no reported adverse effects, this sport appears to have the potential to improve the cardiovascular profile in individuals with hypertension.

Another available article deals with injuries in this sport. French researchers analyzed injuries in a sample of 206 elite as well as recreational TT players from Réunion Island, a region of the French Republic and an island in the Indian Ocean in Africa.

A total of 178 injuries were detected in 92 players (44.7% of players, this is the injury prevalence figure). The incidence was 1.81 injuries per 1000 hours of beach tennis. Neither can be considered a high value.

Which part of the body was the most injured? Shoulder, then elbow, thigh and foot. The most common injuries to the upper extremity were chronic tendinopathy of the shoulder and elbow, and the injuries were considered chronic. Acute injuries were more common in the lower extremity, thigh muscles, hallux and ankle ligaments.

Sudden movements in Beach Tennis can cause bodily injuries.

This may have contributed to rotator cuff tendinopathy (a group of muscles in the shoulder area) as IT serves are mostly played overhead, including defensive movements and attacking. Strength training, such as bodybuilding, is recommended as a protective factor against injuries, as in every sport.

With the increasing demand price increase for sports: lessons and court rentals as well as more expensive rackets and balls. The number of public and private sand courts for practice is increasing, especially in cities with beaches.

Many have the so-called “racquet spin”, in which practitioners of all levels compete in sets, usually mixed pairs. This is a good opportunity for a beginner.

Beach tennis is worth getting to know if you haven’t tried it yet. A new sport that can help your level of physical activity and health so that you feel competent while having fun.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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