every week, Technology World And #AstroMiniBR Bring together five relevant and fun astronomical facts produced by Twitter profile contributors to spread the knowledge of this oldest science! See this week’s highlights below:

#1: Seeing beyond visible light!

Did you know that astronomy goes beyond what our eyes can see? By observing celestial objects at different wavelengths, such as infrared, X-rays and radio, astronomers uncover fascinating secrets about the Cosmos.

Each wavelength band reveals valuable information about different cosmic processes. For example, when observing in the infrared, we can see beyond clouds of dust and gas that block visible lightIt allows us to see the stars forming and distant galaxies. In addition, infrared also helps detect complex molecules and analyze the chemical composition of celestial bodies.

X-rays, on the other hand, are excellent for detecting extremely energetic events such as black holes and neutron stars that swallow matter. These objects emit intense X-rays as the matter around them heats up and accelerates. Radio waves, on the other hand, provide a unique view of cold and distant celestial bodies such as molecular clouds, pulsars and active galaxies.

By exploring these different cosmic windows, we expand our understanding of the Universe beyond what visible light shows us!

#2: Impact of Starlink satellites on astronomy

Starlink satellites are a growing constellation of thousands of small communications satellites launched by the SpaceX company to provide worldwide internet access.

While these satellites made significant advances in global connectivity, they posed a challenge to the astronomical community. Ground-based telescopes based on collecting light from celestial objects, They are affected by the presence of these satellites, as they are highly reflective.. It interferes with astronomical observations by creating visible light trails in the night sky, especially at dawn and dusk.

These marks often degrade image quality and make it difficult to identify faint or distant objects. Astronomers are working collaboratively with SpaceX and other companies to minimize the impact of these satellites on astronomical observation, developing mitigation techniques and seeking solutions to preserve the darkness of the night sky and the continued progress of astronomical research.

#3: Do you know what a quasar is?

In the vastness of the universe, quasars are one of astronomers’ most intriguing lists of celestial bodies: They are the nuclei of extremely distant and bright galaxies that emit enormous amounts of energy.often exceeds the combined luminosity of billions of stars.

Its light from compact and highly active regions close to a supermassive black hole travels enormous distances through space to reach us as “fossil light” that allows us to study the early universe. Quasars are like cosmic lighthouses and provide crucial information about the formation of galaxies, the evolution of the universe, and how black holes accumulate matter and energy.

#4: SN2023ixf supernova

Galaxy M101, also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy, is a beautiful spiral galaxy located about 21 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. It is one of the largest spiral galaxies visible from Earth, with an estimated diameter of 170,000 light-years.

M101 is home to a rich array of young, bright stars, along with clouds of gas and dust that fuel continued star formation. Recently, this galaxy witnessed one of the closest supernovae to Earth in recent years, an event called SN2023ixf. This horrific event marked the exploding end of a massive star’s life, releasing enormous amounts of energy that reaches terrestrial telescopes in the form of visible light.

Astronomers are working on SN2023ixf to better understand the stellar processes that triggered its explosion and their effects on the local dynamics of the galaxy. The image above shows the rendering by the Sky Deep team of M101 and the supernova in question.

#5: Orphan planets

Have you ever dreamed of a lonely planet without a star system that you can call home? They exist and are called orphan planets. Celestial bodies launched from their own star systems and drifting through interstellar space.

This solitary journey happens when extreme gravitational forces, such as the interaction between two planets or double stars, throw a planet away from its system. Without a main star in orbit andThese planets are finally drifting through interstellar space. They can often be detected through astronomical observations by detecting gravitational effects on other celestial bodies or by describing their atmospheres.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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