It is sometimes said that each person has his own one color orgasm. That there are those who paint their climax yellow or see the stars blue. Everything on the mental level, of course, we are not talking about painting the whole room in one color. If this happens to you, run to the emergency room. In fact, the color of orgasm is more myth than science, although there is a phenomenon that is a bit similar: orgasmic synesthesia.
The difference between the orgasmic color myth and orgasmic synesthesia is that the former is supposedly visible to everyone if they pay attention to it, and the latter a rare eventwhich happens to very few people.
Eat some cases described in the scientific literature. Some refer to people who previously had synesthesia, while others first developed it during orgasm. But why is this? Does it bother you? The truth is that the first is not exactly known. But it is comforting to know that with regard to the second, no, it’s not worrisome.
What is synesthesia?
Roughly speaking, synesthesia is a kind of short circuit between different feelings. That is, people who experience it can have perceptions associated with one sense through stimuli associated with another. For example, they may hear colors or taste textures.
It is not known exactly what the causes are, although it is believed that this may be due to inadequate nervous pruning. This pruning occurs during adolescence, when those neural connections that have not been used since birth are eliminated. Thus, those that we really need are strengthened.
If this is not given properly, it may happen that connections between areas of the brain associated with different feelingsto the point where you can smell the flowers.
However, it should be noted that synesthesia it’s not pathological. Neither sees color in orgasm. It may just be another way to experience synesthesia, as not everyone feels it the same way.
For example, for some people it has to do with language. They can even see that each language has a different color. For others, it’s something much more musical. Actually it is said that Kandinsky he was a synaesthetic and that some of his paintings are based on musical works that fascinated him.
Moreover, this is a fairly common phenomenon in art. So much so that it is estimated that although the frequency of synesthesia in the general population 4%, in art comes to about 7%. It’s not that art causes synesthesia, but that synesthetics, being more sensitive to what their senses perceive, are more likely to choose these professions.
orgasm color
In 2022, a case was described in Iran of a 31-year-old man who went to the hospital after reporting something strange about his orgasms. During his last relationship, when he reached his peak, saw objects clearer and brighter, with a predominance of pink.
Previously, the man had no health problems, except mitral valve prolapse. Usually it’s not serious. In fact, many people don’t even know they have them. He was diagnosed because from time to time he suffered from chest pains, but the most curious thing is that when he began to see color changes in his orgasms, he also felt how the pain became colored. Specifically, when he described this chest pain, he said it was very white.
Several vision and neurological tests and everything seemed to be in order. didn’t find it either lack of sexual dysfunction. Because of this, he was eventually diagnosed with synesthesia.
It also happens in different phases
This may seem like an exceptional case, but not the only one. In fact, there have even been reports of people who perceived different phases of sexual activity in different colors. For example, in 2013, a case was described of 19 people who experienced synesthesia during sex in stages. Thus, some have described the initial appetite as a cross between yellow and orangeorgasm in the form of an annular explosion with flowers blues and violets. And finally, the resolution phase, which occurs immediately after orgasm, as a mixture between pink and yellow.
The color of orgasm is not the same for everyone, although pink is repeated here, like that of the Iranian.
In short, although each orgasm is unique, each person does not have an orgasm color. But that doesn’t make ours worse. We can have just as much fun without changing our color perception. So don’t get hung up on seeing if your climax is green or orange and enjoy the ride. Whether you come or not. In the end, one more thing should be clear to us: in sex, orgasm is not everything.
Source: Hiper Textual