Most studies on benefits of sex were conducted with young participants. Mainly because it is still considered taboo for older people sexual relations. But they don’t just have them and enjoy them. They also provide many benefits.

This is the conclusion of a study conducted scientists from Hope College and Purdue University, both in the United States. In their study, they compared sexual activity and cognitive abilities 1683 people aged from from 62 to 90 years. They all had to answer questions about their sexual habits and were also given a series of questions to assess their memory and mental agility, among other parameters.

Thus, it turns out that sex is a great tool for older people to take care of the brain. Logically, it doesn’t have to be the same relationship you had in your 20s, but the pleasure is the same, and its benefits have been reduced Even better.

The benefits of sex at any age

There are many known benefits of sex. Apparently it’s a chemical cocktail that’s very good for your mood. But it also seems to be beneficial on a level cardiovascularWhat strengthens the immune system and it helps fight the pain among many other effects.

All this has been observed in many studies, in which participants tend to juveniles. This is because it is believed that even older people do not have sex. But this is not true.

According to a 2006 report by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine, 60% of people over 65 years old they claim to have had at least sexual relations four times a month. This is why they should also be taken into account when considering benefits. The authors of this recent study recognize this need, so they took action on this issue and found some very interesting results.

Your brain will evaluate your sexual activity

Participants in this study were divided into two groups. One included people from 62 to 74 years old, and the other from 75 to 90. The goal was to test whether people considered elderly also differences by age.

All of them had to answer questions about the frequency of sexual relations in a couple, the pleasure they received from them and emotional satisfaction. It should be said that sex does not necessarily involve penetration, so all types of relationships were taken into account, as long as they were between two people and not alone.

Referring to cognitive functionsassessed using a formal test assessing aspects attention, memory, speech, conceptual thinking, calculations and orientation.

As soon as this was done, it became clear that in the older group they cognitive function at 5 years it was significantly better if they were currently having sex at least once a week.

In younger people, frequency was not the most significant factor, as there seemed to be a greater correlation between cognitive ability and the quality of sex. That is, the more satisfaction, the better the cognitive function.

Sex reduces stress, which is very good for memory. 1 credit

What are the reasons for these benefits of sex?

It is not clear why sex is so beneficial for women. old people. After all, this study is only looking for correlations, not causes. But it is true that its authors have a hypothesis based on four pillars.

The first is physical activity. We can’t forget that sex is physical effort. Practice varies greatly from one person to another, but there is always some effort that benefits the patient. heart. This helps increase blood flow to the brain and reduce inflammation. These two factors are necessary to maintain good cognitive function.

The second pillar is stress reduction. Sex is known to be a very effective stress reliever for both young and old people. It is also known that stress can interfere with the growth of neurons in areas of the brain associated with memory. So it makes sense that cognitive ability improves, at least in this aspect.

And finally, about sex dopamine is released. It is responsible for pleasure and emotional well-being, but may also contribute to these benefits at the brain level.

So there are many reasons to continue having sex as we get older. There is no single age for this. You just need to adapt it to different stages of life. old people, Freed from many of the responsibilities of youth, they deserve to continue enjoying life in every possible way. Sex, of course, is one of them.

Source: Hiper Textual

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