Size matters. This phrase may frustrate some people. But don’t panic. This is important mainly because penis is too big Achieving successful fertilization is very difficult. This is what happens to serotinous bat (Epthesicus serotinus), a species of Eurasian flying mammal known for its huge penis proportional to its own size. In fact, this bat’s penis is seven times longer than the depth of the female’s vagina and ends in a heart-shaped extension, seven times wider than the vaginas of its peers. Come on, it is physically impossible for him to enter where he is supposed to enter. Therefore, the ability of these animals to reproduce remained a mystery until, finally, Dutch pensioner found the answer.

After recording a very revealing video, he contacted a group of scientists who were trying to understand serotinous sex with bats. When they saw it, they didn’t believe it. Finally they got an answer. Such was his joy and gratitude to the pensioner named Yang Yukenwho decided to include him as a co-author in a study on this topic that they had just published.

So what did Yuken see? Let’s look at this in more detail, but generally speaking, Serotinous bat penis size Essentially, it is not a problem for your relationship because it is reproduced without penetration. It seems impossible, but it’s not.

The serotinous bat’s penis is not an obstacle

Jan Yuken has no scientific background, but he is very fond of bats. So he knew that the serotin bat’s penis was a great mystery for science.

He had previously observed and recorded the different species of bats that live in the area where he lives, but none of them caught his attention as much as the ones he chose. attic of the church near his house be in a relationship.

If the sex of the serotinous bat has always been a mystery, it is also due to the discretion of these animals, which usually do not allow themselves to be seen during copulation. He had full access to them, so he placed cameras with which he was able to record dozens of sexual encounters. Once the data was collected, it was sent to Nicolas Faselresearcher from University of Lausannein Switzerland, specialized in the behavior of bats.

He and his team carefully analyzed these images, as well as others taken at a Ukrainian bat rehabilitation center. They all observed the same thing: the penis of the serotinous bat is used not for copulation, but for grab women. They have a kind of membrane covering their genitals, so they use their penis to remove this membrane and then merge with them in a body-to-body embrace, with which they throw the sperm directly into the vagina, without the need to insert it. penis in her.

cloacal kiss

In fact, this is not the first time this type of reproduction has been observed in animals. For example, in birds there is something known as cloacal kiss

Most birds do not have a penis or vagina. There are only a few exceptions, such as geese or ostriches, which have them. The rest reproduce using the same structure they use to defecate: sewerage. This opening, located at the end of the digestive tract and open to the outside, is also present in amphibians, reptiles and some fish and mammals, where the excretory and reproductive systems also converge. But how do they reproduce?

In birds, the male and female are placed very close to each other, with one cloaca to the other, so that the first can deposit his seed in the body of the second.

They also merge into a kind of hug without penetration, but the difference is that the serotin bat penis actually exists. The point is that it cannot be used. So the only use it has is for retention. To date, this mechanism has only been observed in this species of bat. It cannot be ruled out that it also occurs in others. But until this is documented, it is already considered the only mammal that reproduces without penetration.

Ultimately, a larger penis does not make you a better copulator. In fact, it can make copulation impossible. If not, tell that to this bat who had to make a living another way. Size matters, but not in the way we usually think about.

Source: Hiper Textual

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