Term diet can be used to refer to a wide variety of realities. On the one hand, it can be a diet for weight loss. Pineapple diet, baby food, military diet… There is something for everyone, and none of them are recommended. On the other hand, we can talk about typical nutrition person or group of them. This is the case, for example, with Mediterranean diet, which refers to what people from the coasts of countries like Greece, Italy or eastern Spain. She is often a role model for what healthy eating is. However, now he has to compete with another: Atlantic diet.

It, as the name suggests, refers to the characteristic diet of places washed by the Atlantic Ocean, especially Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. It has a lot in common with the Mediterranean diet. However, some studies point to interesting benefits of this different diet.

In addition, it was analyzed what is better in environmental conditions. As a small spoiler, I can say that in this aspect there are practically no differences. What about the rest?

Is the Atlantic diet really that different from the Mediterranean diet?

There is a lot of discussion between nutrition experts who talk about the differences in both diets and those who believe it is more of a marketing issue. In fact, in an interview for Voice of Galiciadoctor Ramon StruchSenior Consultant of the Internal Medicine Service at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, ​​noted that in the 60s it was decided to call the typical diet of those living nearby the Mediterranean diet. parallel 40. It was given this name and now some efforts are being made to differentiate. However, what the inhabitants of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts traditionally ate It’s practically the same.

Other people believe there is a key difference. Supposedly the star food of the Mediterranean diet is flakes and Atlantic Fish and seafood. In the case of the Mediterranean, perhaps it would not be as representative in Spain, but it would be in countries like Italy, where they are real experts in making pasta. When it comes to fish and seafood, Galicia is our main example of what has developed with the Atlantic diet.

In any case, what is clear is that both diets attach great importance fruits, vegetables and legumesand reducing consumption of meat and processed foods. Great importance is also attached to olive oil and moderate consumption of red wine, so typical of both regions. The oil business is a great success. On the other hand, there are many studies that show that, no matter how many benefits red wine brings, it does not compensate for the risks.

Both share benefits

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are well known. This is crucial for the prevention of pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and some metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

What about the Atlantic diet? A study recently published in Jama Network Open scientists from University of Santiago de Compostela answers this question, and the truth is that it is very good.

To do this, they took data from 231 Spanish families between 2014 and 2015. They were divided into two groups. First, they were given nutritional advice to follow the Atlantic diet. Meanwhile, in the second, they were told to continue with their normal diet, whatever it was.

All family members were tested. markers of metabolic syndrome. This refers to a set of conditions that increase the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The markers in question are primarily waist circumference and blood pressure, as well as HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Blood glucose levels are also taken into account.

At the start of the study, there were 457 people who did not have markers indicating metabolic syndrome. However, at the end of the study, 23 people had developed it. 17 people belonged to the control group, and only 6 adhered to the Atlantic diet. In addition, those who followed the diet had markers in general They have improved significantly.

So the study shows the benefits of the Atlantic diet, but doesn’t really establish any major differences with the Mediterranean diet.

Fish and shellfish are the main characters of the Atlantic diet. Credit: Mary Winchester (Unsplash)

The key is nearby

Both the Atlantic and Mediterranean diets are based on consuming local foods, from the garden to the sea. In this way, they minimize the amount of processed foods rich in sugar and saturated fat, while giving the environment a break by reducing Carbon footprint from transport.

There are all the advantages with both one and the other. Which one should you choose? The one where you live. If neither the Mediterranean Sea nor the Atlantic Ocean washes your coastline, choose the one you like best. The important thing is that you eat healthy, the name is the least important.

Source: Hiper Textual

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