He changing of the climate comes with insects and arachnids. If we already talked about cockroaches, which, to top it off, have evolved quite a bit insecticide resistancehappening ticks This is even more worrying. And these animals, which are not insects but arachnids, can transmit many dangerous conditions, such as Lyme disease or Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.. Therefore, it is important to learn how to prevent them, and if it is impossible to avoid, then remove them from the skin.

We must watch ours pets, but also for yourself. Given the large number of ticks that have already been observed this spring, when visiting the countryside it is not difficult to find one of them attached to our skin. There should be no panic, but its significance should not be downplayed either.

Several cases have been recorded in recent months Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever. in Castile and Leon. Other Mediterranean countries such as Italydocumented some cases tick-borne encephalitis. And spring has just begun. If we want to enjoy nature without suffering from the unwanted consequences of contact with these arachnids, we must take the following precautions.

Before we begin: why are there so many checkboxes?

Even before spring began, there were fears that this year would be full of ticks. mild winter temperatures, coupled with the heat of the final blows of the cold season, showed what could happen. In addition, the rains that occurred at the very beginning of spring allowed them to reproduce easily.

This happened in Spain and other parts of the world. Actually, US National Wildlife Federation recently warned that climate change is increasing geographical regions where mites can breed. Moreover, this new ecological situation also encourages the migration of some wild animals that can shelter them, which favors their spread.

How can we prevent them?

It is important to know how to prevent tick bites. The first recommendation is usually Avoid heavily wooded and woody areas and limit our walks in nature to paths. However, whether due to the field in question or work reasons, it cannot be avoided. Therefore, other forms of prevention need to be taken into account, such as the use of long sleeve and trousers, light colors, in which the tick is better visible. You should also avoid having any gaps through which they can enter. For example, putting your pants in a sock.

Walking through tall grass with your feet exposed can be dangerous. Photo: Vitola Klein (Unsplash)

In addition, it is advisable to treat clothes with fabric insecticides; if possible, they have 0.5% permethrin. Likewise, skin should be treated with repellents containing proven effective ingredients such as DEET or IR3535.

Finally, although we have done all this exactly, we must check when you get home To avoid ticks on your body, take a shower and wash your clothes with hot water.

The best way to remove ticks

If we find a tick during the inspection, it must be carefully removed. To do this you will have to use tweezers and keep the tick as close to the skin as possible. Then it is carefully but firmly pulled back. Do not rotate the clampssince parts of the tick’s mouthparts may remain inside the skin.

If after removing it any part of your body remains unremoved, we must wait for it to come out on its own. If not, then it is best to visit a medical center. In fact, it is advisable to do this anyway. Except, we will wash and disinfect wound as soon as possible.

As noted in Talk Professor of Microbiology at the University of Salamanca Raul Rivas, it is advisable to store the tick in a sealed bag so that if you contact a medical center, it can be analyzed if deemed necessary. First of all, you should not squeeze it, as it may contain pathogens, such as those that cause the above-mentioned diseases.

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It is recommended to save the tick in case it needs to be analyzed later. Photo: Marino Linich (Unsplash)

Having said all this, we can enjoying the nature In the spring we need to go outside not with fear, but with the awareness of what we can find. Information is power, including when we talk about ticks.

Source: Hiper Textual

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