Miracle diets do not leave a puppet with a head. We’re back to fighting again new food stuff. On this occasion, the hand of TV presenter Mercedes Mila. A few weeks ago, the testimony of the aforementioned journalist, who stated that she went to a specialized center for a series of “cleansings” based on extreme fasting, became popular. A practice that sounds at least dangerous.

“You go there and drink some juice on the days you decide to stay. You train and rest, then your body is cleansed, restores tissues and the circulatory system, ”said the well-known presenter.

But can juice help repair our tissues? Is there any effective cleansing of the body? Is the human body a washing machine? There are too many doubts that overcome us as a result of the testimony of Mercedes Mila.

What does the Mercedes Mila detox diet clear?

In the case of the Mercedes Milá, there are several points to comment on. The first, The human body does not need to “cleanse itself” or “detoxify” as it is not contaminated by normal diets. Even if it’s full of unhealthy or ultra-processed foods. And if we get poisoned—for example, by accidentally ingesting some non-food toxic product—we should go to the hospital instead of drinking juices or smoothies. This is something that is devoid of any scientific basis and contradicts the logic of nutrition. On the other hand, we already have organs that are responsible for filtering waste from our body. They are called the liver and kidneys.

Thus, all miracle cures that promise to detoxify or cleanse the body have no scientific evidence. In addition, sometimes they can become dangerous, as they involve the intake of compounds that are potentially harmful to health. This is a case of oxalic acid, which is naturally present in green leafy vegetables such as raw spinach. Paradoxically, spinach-based detox juice for descaling the supposed dirt of your body this may cause you problems. And they’re definitely not turkey slime. In particular, we are talking about kidney stones or “stones” in the kidneys.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Isn’t that ironic about the Mercedes Mila? This is how the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has been warning for years, classifying the consumption of oxalic acid in detox juices as a new health risk. The reason is that concentrations of oxalic acid or oxalates reach extremely alarming levels during these famous detox routines. spinning normally 180 milligrams (mg) oxalic acid per day is considered an acceptable health limit, and in a detox juice of 250 milliliters (ml), this amount is easily exceeded.

Secondly, oxalic acid may decrease the absorption of minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium or iron. And to top it off, if we take these juices during fasting, that is, without eating anything before, we will increase the absorption of oxalates. If you are worried about eating spinach from now on, you should know that there is no problem in a regular diet. When cooking, the amount of oxalates decreases sharply. The problem arises with excessive consumption of raw vegetables, as is the case with detox juices.

Are you sure it’s fasting?

Man has always performed fasting or intermittent fasting cycles for cultural or religious reasons. In recent years, we have also guided them in search of health improvement. However, going through a fasting cycle of seven full days, as in the case of the Mercedes Mila, can only lead to danger and should cause alarm.

Despite this, it seems that we wouldn’t be in a situation of starvation. The reason is that the consumption of detox juices contains calories, vitamins, minerals and some dietary fiber, so it will not be a complete fast. We also do not know if there is a time limit set during the day, marking the hours that are good for eating and those that are not. This will be intermittent fasting. Thus, we can only conclude that there is no solid food in the dietary regimen stated by Mercedes Mila. By itself, this shouldn’t be a problem. Many people are unable to eat solid foods and only consume liquids or purees. Although in this case it is associated with health problems or advanced age.

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In this case, we are faced with something very different, since the restriction of solid food is caused by a false belief in health. Drinking juices alone, even for one week, can lead to a serious deficiency of nutrients and energy for our body. While the vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber in vegetables are essential for the body. we can’t feed ourselves on it alone. We also need to eat proteins and healthy fats from other food groups such as legumes, nuts, fish, olive oil, dairy or eggs, just to name a few.

You are losing weight, but why don’t you eat anything?

Finally, the possible benefits associated with intermittent fasting, such as improved athletic performance and weight loss, may occur when the diet is properly supervised by a healthcare professional. We shouldn’t trust gurus or extreme diets. like Mercedes Milá, which only worsen our health, because they do not give any guarantees. It is much less common to perform these procedures on our own, as we risk suffering from serious diseases caused by malnutrition or deficiency of certain essential nutrients.

Mercedes, I’m asking you to leave. Not Big Brother’s house, and this is a type of dietary madness that only harms health and promotes pseudoscientific thoughts point-blank. Lots of people have trouble losing weight and reviews like yours can make a big difference. Giving false hope to these people for remedies that not only have no proven effectiveness, but can also cause serious harm to health, is unfortunate to say the least. Please. Stop your evil and pernicious pursuit of human health and the logic of nutrition.

Source: Hiper Textual

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