There are many reasons to reduce fossil fuel consumption, such as: oil or gas. Not only are they an exhaustible resource, but their use also creates a large pollution. But, as if all this is not enough, you also need to be careful when booty. One of the most commonly used techniques, popularly known as hydraulic fracturing, they may pollute the surrounding waters or release toxic gases into the environment. And now, in addition, we know that they can promote earthquake development.
This is the conclusion of a study recently published in Seismological Research Letters. Its authors focused only on Texas. According to them, 68% of earthquakes occurred between 2017 and 2020. to the west of this state are associated with gas and oil production. However, it is not excluded that can be applied to other parts of the world.
After all, the procedure is the same everywhere. For this reason, according to the authors of this study, it should draw attention to companies that are engaged in hydraulic fracturing that they should at least try to correct the procedures they carry out.
A very common method of extracting gas and oil
hydraulic fracturingbetter known as hydraulic fracturingIt is a widely used method for oil and gas extraction. Generally speaking, it consists in pumping the mixture water, sand and other chemicals under high pressurethrough horizontal wells. This results in the surrounding rock pressure crack, leaking oil and gas. They circulate both to another well, dug at great depth, and to the surface.
This is a widely used method, but it is surrounded by a lot of criticism. And it is precisely that part of the gas that comes to the surface that cannot be recovered. Therefore, it still pollutes the environment, just like water mixed with fuel that goes outside. But now, to all these more than justified criticisms, one can add those drawn from this new study of earthquakes.
Earthquakes are also related to pumping depth
To conduct this study, its authors tracked all earthquakes of magnitude greater than 1.5 that occurred in Delaware Basinbetween 2017 and 2020. It is located to the west of Texas and is known precisely for the presence of a large number of oil fields, as well as an impressive petrified reef.
It is also the place where earthquakes occur. But why? The answer was found by checking with combination of statistical analysis and physical modelingthat there is a very close relationship between oil and gas production and earthquakes.
In 2020, there was a magnitude 5 earthquake in a region notorious for causing formation water to enter deep pockets of rock.
They noted that 68% of these earthquakes happened exactly where fuel was or was removed. Of course, the percentages vary greatly depending on the depth of water injection. Most of them matched hydraulic pump in shallow sedimentary rocks. In contrast, a much smaller proportion occurred below the depth hydraulic fracturingat an altitude of about 2500 meters.
strong earthquake, magnitude 5, which occurred in 2020, right in a bag into which water was pumped, this time to a greater depth. This indicates that the increase in depth does not actually eliminate the possibility of earthquakes.
But why is it all?
This is something that needs to be studied more, but in fact, the connection between oil production and earthquakes is obvious. Earthquakes happen when energy is released suddenly accumulates in the earth’s crust. This can happen in different ways. However, the most common is that it is given fault activitys, which are cracks in the ground where two blocks have slid one onto the other. Friction between them can cause some tension and eventually lead to tremors.
This is the internal pressure exerted by water on extract fuel, as well as artificial cracks that are drilled into the ground, can cause similar effects. For this reason, the authors of this study have developed an online tool that allows operators of these fields to voluntarily report their activities. In this way, scientists could have more information and try to find the best course of action so that oil and gas can be produced as safely as possible. Although, logically, it’s safest to stop extracting it. That is why it is so important to continue to explore and improve new ways to get energy.
Source: Hiper Textual