You wake up with a song you hate in your head. You seem to forget it, but suddenly, while you’re eating breakfast, the sound hits your brain again. You try to push it away, but throughout the morning, every time you take a break from your work, you find that the tune is still there. We’ve all been there. It can happen with a song we hate, or it can happen with a song we love. But even in the latter case, sometimes it can get really annoying. disgustingThis phenomenon is known as earworm and this is completely normal. It does not necessarily mean that we have any mental problems. In fact, it can be a sign that our brain is working properly.

But just because it’s normal doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. Sometimes we fight and fight that earworm, but we can’t get it out of our heads. To find a way to do that, it would be ideal to know the brain mechanisms that cause these songs to get stuck in our minds. But the truth is, were not fully disclosed.

It must be familiar sounds. The more familiar we become with a song, the easier it is for it to become an earworm. Here’s why Tik Tok topics They are a great example. It has also been proven that this happens more often with repetitive songs, regardless of their style. But what should we do to get them out of our heads? Here are some tricks.

The most common earworms

Everyone is likely to get an earworm at some point, although it has been noted that there are factors that make us more prone to the condition. For example, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, migraines, or an open attitude to new experiences They tend to experience them more regularly.

As for the songs, whether we like them or not, they have to be very well-known songs, with a repeating part. Not the whole melody turns into earworms. Usually only part of it does, namely a chorus or some other frequently repeated pattern.

There are studies that analyze which songs are most likely to cause earworms. At the top of the ranking we have bad Romancefrom Lady Gagabut they are keeping a close eye on her I can’t get you out of my headKylie Minogue and Don’t stop believingon the trip. What’s interesting is that Lady Gaga appears on the list most often with songs like AlexanderIt is clear that the singer knows how to store her songs in our brains.

Lady Gaga is an expert at creating earworms.

How can we get them out of our heads?

There are many studies that are aimed at analyzing how we can get rid of earworms in our minds.

From all of them, a few tricks emerge that seem to give good results. For example, we must give in to the earworm. If we become obsessed with erasing it, it will continue to manifest itself and become stronger. But the fact that we give in to its presence does not mean that we do not resort to certain tricks to keep it away. It has been observed that these thoughts appear normally. when our mind is relaxed. So if we focus on something else, we can separate them.

It was also noted that listen to the whole song earworm may disappear. This is because they actually appear mostly when we hear only part of the melody, as happens with viral songs from Instagram and TikTok. Our brain repeats it over and over until we hear it completely and fill in the gap it was looking for. This can extinguish the thought.

Another trick that works is to listen to a different song. There are studies that have even proven which tunes are best at repelling earworms. The top performers were God save the queen Thomas Arne and Karma Chameleon from the Cultural Club.

chewing gum
Interestingly, chewing gum can be very useful. Credit: Takara (Unsplash)

And here’s another very curious trick: chewing gum. If concentrating your mind on another task can help us, chew this candy too. That’s because chewing movements interferes with a phenomenon known as programming of articulatory motor skills, which seems to work on recurring thoughts.

Video on how to get rid of ear worms?

Music Psychologist at Durham University. Kelly Jakubowski and the team from Atlassian engineers have developed a video with musical fragments that promises to expel worms from our brains.

Video on YouTube

They say that’s because it “combines music and brain science to disrupt the neural patterns that keep a memorable tune in your head.”

I tried this with a song that had been in my head all morning, and I couldn’t tell for sure if it helped me because I can’t help but think about it consciously. There’s no way to get rid of that conscious thought. However, it’s true that it doesn’t repeat in my head that often when I’m relaxing.

We’ll have to test it further, but if it doesn’t work for you, you can try the rest of the tricks. studied by scienceSurely someone will help you get this heavy song out of your thoughts.

Source: Hiper Textual

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